Infertility Testing

Infertility Testing

I took care of examining the wife, and referred the husband for a semen test. And what did we find? The sperm were almost completely destroyed, degenerated and underdeveloped, and there were so few of them that it was a wonder where the pregnancies came from. After consulting an andrologist, it turned out that the farmer, using a large amount of all kinds of fertilizers and pesticides on the farm, obviously not using protective clothing or a mask, had led to such destruction of his own sperm. Miscarriages and abnormal children were the result of mismanagement.
In addition to prescribing a treatment, the doctor advised him to stay away from all chemicals for the next three to four years. Over the next four years, the farmer gave birth to three healthy children, two boys and a girl, who developed most completely normal. This is an example that clearly shows how fatal the consequences are of the improper, in terms of quantity and manner, use of chemicals in agriculture. Considering the sustenance of one’s own, children’s and people’s food produced on the farm, one must not forget not to graze sheep, cows, goats, geese, ducks in ditches and pastures within thirty-fifty meters of the highway, as well as not to harvest grass from these areas for cattle feed. When the right time to wander comes, they are already helpless and immobile. In such cases, the semen test result shows a lack of motile sperm and this is referred to as necrospermia – or dead sperm.

How to Find Out if You’re Infertile

Knowing whether you’re at risk of infertility can be a daunting prospect. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re wondering if you could be facing an uninvited guest in your home: a partner, maybe even a child. Fortunately, it’s not as complicated as it may seem. There are numerous ways to know if you’re having problems getting pregnant — and not just because everybody knows that stress is no match for the natural power of love. In fact, knowing your specific risk factors can help you take steps to protect yourself against further issues down the road. Here we will discuss various ways to find out if you are infertile or if there could be any underlying issues preventing conception.

Is It Worth Checking?

Begin by asking yourself one important question: is it worth checking? Some couples get extremely stressed out by the infertility process, as they focus on potential avenues of issues. Others, though, find the whole thing extremely rewarding and rewarding them for being patient is not something that anybody does on a daily basis. Make sure that you’re finding your efforts rewarding before you begin to worry about your fertility. If you decide that it’s worth checking, you’ll want to visit your doctor. If you haven’t had any significant issues with your health, it’s a good idea to get a baseline. Your doctor may have you get a blood test that checks for various markers. Some of these markers may rise when you’re having problems conceiving, while other markers might remain steady. This is useful information, as it helps you get a better idea of your risk and may even help your doctor identify any potential issues.

Visit Your Doctor

When it comes to dealing with a potential issue, it’s always best to go to a place you can trust. If you have concerns about your fertility or your partner’s health, it may make sense to see a doctor specializing in the field of reproductive health. While it’s important to be thorough, there’s nothing wrong with simply asking the question: “does my fertility need monitoring?” If your doctor is willing to discuss it with you, it’s possible that your doctor has noticed nothing. However, if your doctor suggests that you visit an expert, it’s best to do so. There are a few things that you can do before you even get to your doctor’s office. Since it may be helpful to have a baseline test, you can ask your doctor if you can get a blood test done. The same goes for if you’re experiencing issues. If you feel that something is off, it could be worth checking with a doctor specializing in reproductive health.

Track Your Fertility Signs

Next, you’ll want to begin tracking your fertility signs. Certain things may indicate that you’re infertile, even if your partner is healthy. For example, you might notice a change in your period. If you’re not used to tracking your signs, it can be easy to mistakenly assume that everything is normal when it isn’t. If you notice anything unusual, make sure to keep track of it. There are a variety of fertility signs that you can track. Some people track their cervical fluid or their basal body temperature. Others keep track of how often they are able to get pregnant. Once you begin keeping track of your signs, try to write them down. This can help you keep track of the signs that you’re experiencing and may suggest that you need to make some adjustments in your lifestyle.

Check for Symptoms

As you begin to track your fertility signs and symptoms, you may want to consider checking for any signs of an underlying issue that may be preventing you from getting pregnant. This is especially helpful if you’re experiencing a symptom for an extended period of time. If you notice anything particularly concerning, it may be worth making an appointment with your doctor. There are a number of issues that could be causing you problems, and it doesn’t hurt to keep the lines of communication open. Make sure to note what you were experiencing and if it changed at all over time. Try to keep track of symptoms that you feel may be out of the ordinary or that you’ve experienced for an extended period of time. If you notice anything, make sure to mention it to your doctor.

Talk to Your Partner

If you’ve been keeping track of your fertility signs, you’ll want to make sure to talk to your partner. This can be helpful, as sometimes symptoms that one partner experiences can be mistaken for something else entirely. Depending on how far along you are in the process, you may find that it helps to talk to your partner. Many couples are extremely anxious at this point, and it can be helpful to get some perspective from someone who isn’t experiencing the same stress. It can also be helpful to simply ask your partner what he or she has been experiencing. This can be especially helpful if you notice any signs with your partner but can’t find a clear source.

Try Resolving Conflict

If you’ve begun tracking your signs, it may be worth trying to resolve any conflicts that you’ve been experiencing with your partner. This can be especially helpful if you’ve been experiencing fertility issues for a long period of time. Try to resolve any conflicts that you’re experiencing with your partner. This can help to both address and prevent issues that may be on the horizon. If you’ve been experiencing fertility issues for an extended period of time, it may be worth resolving conflicts with your partner. This can help to address underlying issues and prevent additional issues down the road.

Do a Baseline Blood Test

If you’ve begun tracking your signs and symptoms, you’ll want to make sure to get a baseline blood test done. Depending on your doctor, this may be done as a routine part of your visit or as an add-on. If you’ve been tracking your signs, you should definitely make sure to get a baseline blood test done. Depending on your doctor, you may be able to get this done as a routine part of your visit or as an add-on. It’s important to note that a baseline blood test is not a definitive way to determine your fertility. Instead, it’s simply a test that helps to get a better idea of your risk.


There are plenty of reasons to be worried about your fertility, but it’s important not to panic. If you’re curious about your fertility, you can rule out a number of issues with a simple blood test. In order to rule out potential issues, you need to start tracking your signs and symptoms. For example, if you notice a change in your period, you may want to try some natural ways to regulate it. If you notice any other signs, you’ll want to make sure to get them checked out. Start tracking your signs and symptoms today, and you’ll know for sure what you’re facing down the road.